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๐Ÿงพ Preset Scripts

This article will go over preset scripts; an advanced way of creating presets.

In this page you will learn the following:

โ˜‘๏ธ What is a preset script?
โ˜‘๏ธ How to create a preset script.
โ˜‘๏ธ How presets scripts can be used in conjunction with advanced preset inputs.


A preset script is a JavaScript file that allow for more complex file creation in a preset. They are essential when using complex input fields as they allows you to handle file and boolean inputs correctly, for example.


You must have knowledge of JavaScript before creating a preset script.

Creating A Preset Script

To get started with preset scripts, you must first have a valid preset created. Once you have done this, you can create a JavaScript file inside of your preset's folder, you can name this whatever you like.

โ”œโ”€ ๐Ÿ“ presets
โ”‚  โ”œโ”€ ๐Ÿ“ simpleEntity
โ”‚  โ”‚  โ”œโ”€ ๐Ÿ“ manifest.json
โ”‚  โ”‚  โ”œโ”€ ๐Ÿ“„ entity.json
โ”‚  โ”‚  โ”œโ”€ ๐Ÿ“„ clientEntity.json
โ”‚  โ”‚  โ””โ”€ ๐Ÿงพ myScript.js

Inside of this file, you should assign module.exports as a function of type PresetScript, which is described below.

module.exports: (context: IPresetScriptContext) => void
export interface IPresetScriptContext {
	 * Creates a file at the specified path
	 * @param filePath The location to create the file in the user's project
	 * @param data The data to write to this file when it is created
	 * @param opts An object containing additional options when creating the file
	createFile: (
		filePath: string,
		data: string | File,
		opts: IPresetFileOpts
	) => Promise<void>
	 * Expands a file at the specified path
	 * @param filePath The location to expand the file in the user's project
	 * @param data The data to append or merge to the file
	 * @param opts An object containing additional options when expanding the file
	expandFile: (
		filePath: string,
		data: any,
		opts: IPresetFileOpts
	) => Promise<void>
	 * Creates a JSON file at the specified path
	 * @param filePath The location to create the file in the user's project
	 * @param data The parsed JSON data to be written to the file
	 * @param opts An object containing additional options when creating the file <link>Test</link>
	createJSONFile: (
		filePath: string,
		data: any,
		opts: IPresetFileOpts
	) => Promise<void>
	 * Loads a file from within the preset that this script is ran inside
	 * @param filePath The path of the file to load
	loadPresetFile: (filePath: string) => Promise<File>
	 * Key/value pairs of the variables that have been defined in the preset, either through additionalModels or fields
	models: Record<string, any>

It is important to note that:

  • Both createFile and expandFile behave simlarly to createFiles and expandFiles inside of the preset manifest.
  • IPresetFileOpts is the same as the object in createFiles and expandFiles, with the inject, openFile and packPath parameters.
  • The functions exposed to a preset script return a promise, therefore you should await them and declare module.exports as an async function.

An example preset script would look like this, and more examples can be found from our built-in preset scripts:

module.exports = async ({ createFile, loadPresetFile, models, expandFile }) => {
	// Destructure the models to get the variables that we need in this preset script
	let fileName = `${IDENTIFIER}.png`

	// If the TEXTURE variable, that should have been defined with a fileInput, hasn't been set, load the default texture from the preset
	if (!TEXTURE) TEXTURE = await loadPresetFile(DEFAULT_TEXTURE)
	else fileName =
	const fileNameNoExtension = fileName.replace(/.png|.tga|.jpg|.jpeg/gi, '')

	// Create the texture file in the user's project
	await createFile(`textures/blocks/${PRESET_PATH}${fileName}`, TEXTURE, {
		packPath: 'resourcePack',
	// Merge data with terrain_texture.json to register the texture key
	await expandFile(
			texture_data: {
					textures: `textures/blocks/${PRESET_PATH}${fileNameNoExtension}`,
		{ packPath: 'resourcePack' }

Handling Input Fields

When creating your preset, you should have defined inputs in the fields property of your preset manifest. The variables that you assign these inputs to are accessed through models in a preset script. Here we will go over how to handle each type of input in a preset script.

Text field

The text field input is simply assigned as a string.

const { TEXT_FIELD_INPUT } = models

// Logs exactly what the user typed in the input

File Input

The file field input is assigned a File object, which can be handled in a few different ways.

const { FILE_FIELD_INPUT } = models

// Logs the name of the file that the user has input

// The createFile function accepts a File in its data parameter, so this would write the data of the file that the user has input
await createFile('path/to/dest', FILE_FIELD_INPUT, {
	packPath: 'behaviorPack',
	openFile: true,

Number Input

The number slider input is simply assigned a number.

const { NUMBER_SLIDER_INPUT } = models

// Logs the number that was selected on the slider

Switch Input

The switch input is simply assigned a boolean.

const { SWITCH_INPUT } = models

	// Do something if the switch was turned on
} else {
	// Do something if the switch was turned off

Select Input

The select input is assigned a string representing the chosen option. You will see that the value will depend on how the options were defined.

const { SELECT_INPUT } = models

// Logs the selected option's "value" field, if defined. Otherwise it will be the display text of the option

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