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Compiler Plugins

bridge.'s compiler architecture allows anyone to create powerful plugins that can modify the compiler output in almost any way.


You can read more about bridge.'s compiler architecture and Dash, bridge.'s compiler, here.

Registering a Compiler Plugin

A compiler plugin should be added by putting it in the <EXTENSION NAME>/compiler folder of an extension. The plugin can then be registered via the extension manifest.

In the extension manifest you need a "compiler" property.

Compiler Plugin File Structure

A compiler plugin should have module.exports set as a function which returns the compiler hooks which you are using, with logic within them.


export default () => {
	const blockPath = 'BP/blocks'

	return {
		transform(filePath, fileContent) {
			// This would add "test" to the end of every block file.
			if (filePath.startsWith(blockPath)) return `${fileContent}test`
			else return

This function receives context parameters to be used in the plugin. These are:

  • fileSystem: FileSystem Returns the FileSystem instance.

  • outputFileSystem: FileSystem Returns the output FileSystem instance.

  • hasComMojangDirectory: boolean Allows you to check whether the com.mojang folder has been linked.

  • compileFiles: (files: string[]) => Promise<void> A function allowing you to force compilation on a list of file paths.

  • getAliases: (filePath: string) => string[] Returns all aliases registered in the registerAliases() hook for a given file path.

  • targetVersion: string Allows you to read the project target version.

  • options: { mode: 'dev' | 'build', isFileRequest: boolean, restartDevServer: boolean, [key: string]: any}

    • mode: 'dev' | 'build' Allows you to read the current compiler mode.

    • isFileRequest: boolean Some of bridge.'s core components manually request a file to be compiled. These file requests don't necessarily need to represent an underlying file on your disk. (Example: The particle preview requests a compilation of an unsaved particle file)

    • restartDevServer: boolean Whether this compilation is the dev server being restarted.

    • [key: string]: any Allows you to access any arguments passed to the plugin in the compiler config.

Compiler Hooks

	 * Runs once before a build process starts
	buildStart(): Promise<void> | void
	 * Register files that should be loaded too
	include(): Maybe<string[]>

	 * Transform file path
	 * - E.g. adjust file path to point to build folder
	 * - Return null to omit file from build output
	transformPath(filePath: string | null): Maybe<string>

	 * Read the file at `filePath` and return its content
	 * - Return null/undefined to just copy the file over
		filePath: string,
		fileHandle?: { getFile(): Promise<File> | File }
	): Promise<any> | any

	 * Load the fileContent and bring it into a usable form
	load(filePath: string, fileContent: any): Promise<any> | any

	 * Provide alternative lookups for a file
	 * - E.g. custom component names
	registerAliases(source: string, fileContent: any): Maybe<string[]>

	 * Register that a file depends on other files
	require(source: string, fileContent: any): Maybe<string[]>

	 * Transform a file's content
		filePath: string,
		fileContent: any,
		dependencies?: Record<string, any>
	): Promise<any> | any

	 * Prepare data before it gets written to disk
		filePath: string,
		fileContent: any
	): Maybe<string | Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer | Blob>

	 * Runs once after a build process ended
	buildEnd(): Promise<void> | void


Released under the GPL-3.0 License.